The Couple is a relational system based on deep communication between the two people and the sharing of feelings and emotions.

It is important to maintain a good balance, in order to avoid a difficult time experienced by the partners from turning into a crisis that is difficult to solve. This would lead to a progressive and inexorable loss of communication; in this case, attempts to solve the problems turn into repetitive dynamics that fuel the problem rather than solve it.

Improving the communication of the couple means improving their ability to relate and therefore the quality and ability to react positively to subsequent crises and challenges of life.

– We’re going to be happy or we’re going to be sad, what does it matter?
We’re going to be next to each other. And this has to be, that’s the essential one –
Gabriele D’Annunzio


Psychological therapy is exceptionally powerful to get back in possession of the tools necessary to face and direct life. I’ll help you understand the best path to face and overcome your discomfort.