Noa and psychic suffering

A 17-year-old Dutch woman, Noa Pothoven died in her home after deciding to stop eating and drinking; He had previously asked a specialist clinic to be able to access an “assisted death.” Noa Pothoven said she could no longer live and endure her depressive disorder.

The girl had been sexually assaulted in childhood, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder coupled with anorexia nervosa and depression of an intolerant entity. In these lines I will not evaluate his choice or the sense of the act. It is not possible to express it on the individual being in such intimate and ultimate behavior.

The mental consequences of sexual abuse

The story of Noa Pothoven makes palely aware of the power of sexual abuse and above all how much an individual’s sexuality affects his or her story.
The mind experiences an individual sensibility that never transpires in its entirety but it is within it that the most intimate activity takes place; at that level authentic mental life takes place and develops, which does not transpire except rarely in the outer life. Yet precisely in that intensity that takes place the fundamental part of individual psychology. All this needs the right times, progressive and spontaneous growth.

How can society and psychology intervene

There are maturations that allow them to address certain issues, before which it is impossible for them to be properly addressed. In fact, this theme invests areas hardly investigated in the field of popular psychology: certain aspects of psychic expression have an inner power that moralistic societies or vice versa libertarians, do not contemplate at all.

Proper evolution is needed in order to have access to themes of subjective individuality that can destabilize. This must be observed within a social approach that is difficult to grasp the delicacy of the mind. Therefore, the disunity achieved after an intense and profound drama is potentially devastating, depending on the personality, the fragility of the victim.

It must be clear what emerges from these events: the inner world lives a reality of its own, far from any logic, from every reason, every rational explanation, far from any desire to survive the depression that incessant and violent pervades the soul in every ravine.
Psychotics and even more psychotherapy look (must do) in this direction.

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